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Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol ; : 306624X241246516, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622831


In 2007, Mexico implemented a strategy to combat drug trafficking through military intervention, after which a significant increase in homicides, mainly among young men, was observed and linked to structural problems as well as organized crime, especially the recruitment of youth, with adolescents being particularly vulnerable. Through a systematic review of the literature from 2013 to 2022, we have compiled the reported factors influencing the recruitment of adolescents by organized crime in Mexico and conducted a metasynthesis of the data according to the multiple levels that affect adolescents: individual, family, community, cultural, and social. This research has shown that many of the factors reported are interrelated and need to be studied holistically. In addition, many of the factors are common to other forms of juvenile delinquency, but the main difference is the presence of organized crime itself in the community and culture.

J Res Adolesc ; 2024 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38553877


Antisocial and illegal behavior generally declines as youth approach adulthood, but there is significant individual variation in the timing of the peak and decline of offending from adolescence to young adulthood. There are two primary research questions in the present study. First, are there subgroups of youth who follow similar patterns of offending over the nine years after their first arrest? Second, what baseline factors predict which youth will follow each pattern of offending? Data were drawn from the Crossroads study, which includes a sample of racially and ethnically diverse boys who were interviewed regularly for 9 years following their first arrest. Boys were between 13 and 17 years old at the start of the study and were approximately 24-25 years old at the final interview. Trajectories were measured with youths' self-reported offending using latent class growth analysis (LCGA). Results indicated that there were four subgroups of youth: a stable low group (55%), an escalating group (23%), a short-term recidivist group (15%), and a persistently high group (7%). Several baseline factors distinguished the groups. In particular, the results indicated that youth who were informally processed after their first arrest were more likely to be in the low offending group than any of the other LCGA groups. Age at first arrest, peer delinquency, exposure to violence, substance use, callous-unemotional traits, physical aggression, and perceptions of police legitimacy were also significantly related to group membership. Results suggest that certain risk factors identified after youths' first arrest may predict which youth continue to offend and which desist.

Health Justice ; 12(1): 5, 2024 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38355837


BACKGROUND: The societal costs associated with juvenile delinquency and reoffending are high, emphasising the need for effective prevention strategies. A promising approach is Youth-Initiated Mentoring (YIM). In YIM, professionals support youths in selecting a non-parental adult from within their social network as their mentor. However, until now, little (quasi-)experimental research has been conducted on YIM in the field of juvenile delinquency. We will examine the effectiveness, working mechanisms, and implementation of YIM as a selective prevention strategy for juvenile delinquents. METHODS: This multiple-methods study consists of a quasi-experimental trial and a qualitative study. In the quasi-experimental trial, we aim to include 300 juvenile offenders referred to Halt, a Dutch juvenile justice system organisation which offers youths a diversion program. In the Netherlands, all juvenile offenders between 12 and 18 years old are referred to Halt, where they must complete the Halt intervention. Youths will be non-randomly assigned to region-matched non-YIM-trained and YIM-trained Halt professionals implementing Care as Usual (CAU, i.e., the Halt intervention) or CAU plus YIM, respectively. Despite non-random allocation, this approach may yield comparable conditions regarding (1) the characteristics of professionals delivering the intervention and (2) case type and severity. Youth and caregiver(s) self-report data will be collected at pre-and post-test and a 6-month follow-up and complemented with official Halt records data. Multilevel analyses will test whether youths following CAU plus YIM show a stronger increase in resilience factors and a stronger decline in the need for formal support and delinquency than youths following CAU. In the qualitative study, we will organise focus group interviews with YIM-trained professionals to explore boosters and barriers experienced by professionals during the implementation of YIM. DISCUSSION: The proposed study will help identify the effectiveness of YIM in strengthening resilience factors and possibly decreasing juvenile delinquency. In addition, it may offer insights into how and for whom YIM works. Finally, this study can help strengthen the implementation of YIM in the future. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.Gov (# NCT05555472). Registered 7 September 2022. https://www. CLINICALTRIALS: gov/ct2/show/NCT05555472?cond=Youth+Initiated+Mentoring&draw=2&rank=1 .

Psychiatr Serv ; : appips20220490, 2024 Feb 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38369882


This study aimed to explore suicide prevention in juvenile detention centers by conducting a case study of one state. Qualitative data from semistructured interviews were synthesized from 10 juvenile detention centers. Analytical techniques included thematic and content analysis and the integration of quantitative information and qualitative themes to illustrate key differences in suicide prevention practices and center characteristics among facilities with varying frequencies of crisis stabilization calls and critical incidents. Although the use of many suicide prevention practices was reported across the sample, the quality with which those practices were implemented was highly variable. The analysis suggests that facilities with higher-quality implementation of suicide prevention practices may have had leaders who acknowledged that their facility plays a role in suicide prevention. Moreover, preliminary evidence suggests that the quality of suicide prevention implementation may be associated with the number of crisis stabilization calls and critical incidents (i.e., variables related to suicidality) a facility experiences. Clear conceptualization of a juvenile detention center's role in suicide prevention may lead to better outcomes in suicide prevention implementation. High-quality implementation may reduce suicidality exhibited by youths in juvenile detention and save lives.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(2): 150-159, mai.-jul. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531196


A taxa de condutas delituosas oficiais praticadas por meninas jovens tem aumentado nos últimos anos. Embora a literatura sugira um viés de gênero nesse fenômeno, ainda predominam estudos voltados ao sexo masculino. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar associações entre os aspectos de personalidade do fator Socialização, compatível com traços do Modelo dos Cinco Grandes Fatores, e condutas antissociais (delituosas e divergentes) em jovens escolares do sexo feminino. Uma amostra de 549 jovens respondeu ao Questionário de Comportamentos Juvenis (QCJ) e à Escala Fatorial de Socialização (EFS). A partir das pontuações obtidas na EFS, os dados da amostra foram agrupados, havendo formação de três clusters, com diferentes níveis de engajamento em condutas antissociais. Maior frequência e diversidade de condutas antissociais estiveram associadas a menores níveis de Amabilidade, Pró-Sociabilidade e Confiança nas Pessoas, sugerindo relação entre os aspectos de personalidade e as condutas antissociais avaliadas. São discutidas também possíveis implicações de outros fatores nessa relação.

The rate of official misconduct cases involving young girls have increased in recent years. Although the literature suggests a gender gap in this phenomenon, studies focusing on males still predominate. The present study had as objective verifying the relation between personality aspects of the Socialization factor, compatible with the characteristics of the Big Five Factors Model, and the commitment of antisocial behaviors (criminal and divergent) by young female students. To this end, a sample of 549 adolescents answered the Questionário de Comportamentos Juvenis (QCJ) and the Escala Fatorial de Socialização (EFS). Based on the results obtained in the EFS, the sample was divided into three clusters. Greater frequency and diversity of antisocial behaviors were associated with lower levels of Agreeableness, Pro-Sociability and Trust in People, suggesting a relationship between personality aspects and the antisocial behaviors evaluated. Possible implications of other factors in this relationship are also discussed.

Psychiatr Psychol Law ; 30(5): 713-736, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37744648


A rich line of criminological theories and research has suggested that individual characteristics may be important to predicting criminal activity. However, there is limited research examining how individual characteristics may be related to the type of crime committed (e.g. violent, sex, drug). To provide guidance to these questions, the current set of two studies used latent profile analysis to identify groups of offenders based on individual factors (i.e. proactive and reactive aggression, and callous-unemotional traits), chosen for their interrelatedness and their established associations with crime, and examined whether these groups relate to type, severity or the number of crimes committed across two studies. In both studies, four groups of offenders were identified, but these groups were not associated with offending behaviors or patterns. Findings and implications are discussed.

Psychol Rep ; : 332941231202453, 2023 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37769755


In light of California's passage of Proposition 57 in 2016, the present study examined the relationship between legal/demographic variables and decisions to transfer juveniles to the adult court system. Following Prop 57, transfer decisions were entrusted solely with judges and prosecutors could no longer direct file. We used a sample of 106 reports written by forensic psychologists on behalf of the defense examining the life circumstances of minors who allegedly committed serious crimes. Close to two-thirds of minors were kept in the juvenile system whereas the rest were transferred. Utilizing regression analysis, we found that minors with at least one murder charge were more likely to end up in adult court. In regards to race, we detected an overall considerable overrepresentation of Black and Latino juveniles and an underrepresentation of Whites with charges against them but no support of racial bias in transfer decisions in our restricted data set.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37595254


This study explores the troubling and unintended consequences of public health efforts to address the problem of juvenile delinquency and feeblemindedness. Health care professionals, superintendents, and other authority figures equated undesirable juvenile behaviors such as keeping "bad company" or "falling in with the wrong crowd," truancy, and petty theft with poor breeding, low intelligence, and inheritable criminal tendencies. This article interrogates historical documentation culled from the Kansas State Historical Society (KSHS) and focuses on a few specific cases to reveal the ways a patriarchal political and medical state system both protected and alienated young woman accused of a myriad of behavior issues including delinquency, incorrigibility, and feeblemindedness. I highlight the lives of juvenile women sentenced to the Beloit Industrial School for Girls not simply to better understand an isolated period in United States history but also reproduction. The broader implications of the narratives of girls housed at the Beloit Industrial School for Girls throughout the first half of the twentieth century in Kansas reveal troubling and unintended consequences of public health efforts to fix the problems of delinquency, contagion, and the generational inheritance of undesirable characteristics.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536538


(analítico) La investigación sobre agresividad en jóvenes delincuentes es insuficiente en Colombia y, en consecuencia, no hay suficiente información sobre las diferencias de género en esta población. No evaluar e intervenir este comportamiento desde un enfoque de diferencias sexuales impacta negativamente la efectividad de las políticas criminales. En esta investigación participaron 1050 jóvenes infractores, seleccionados por conveniencia. Se incluyeron 855 hombres y 195 mujeres de 14 a 19 años de edad residentes en Medellín (Antioquia). Los principales resultados fueron: 1) muy altos niveles de agresividad proactiva, reactiva y total en los adolescentes infractores; 2) la existencia de diferencias en la agresividad proactiva y agresividad total en las mujeres comparadas con los hombres; y 3) la variación de la agresividad de acuerdo con ciertas variables sociodemográficas y asociadas con el delito.

(analytical) Research on aggressiveness among young offenders is insufficient in Colombia and, consequently, there is not enough information on gender differences related to aggression for this population. Failure to evaluate and intervene with this behavior using a gender perspective negatively impacts the effectiveness of criminal policies. A total of 1050 young offenders, selected based on ease of access, participated in this research study. The population consisted of 855 males and 195 females between 14 and 19 years of age living in Medellín. The main results were: 1) there were very high levels of proactive, reactive and total aggressiveness in adolescent offenders; 2) there were differences in proactive aggressiveness and total aggressiveness in females compared to males; and 3) levels of aggressiveness varied depending on certain sociodemographic and crime-associated variables.

(analítico) A pesquisa sobre a agressividade em jovens infratores é insuficiente na Colômbia e, conseqüentemente, não há informações suficientes sobre as diferenças de gênero nesta população. Não avaliar e intervir neste comportamento a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero tem um impacto negativo na eficácia das políticas criminais. Esta pesquisa envolveu 1050 jovens infratores, selecionados por conveniência. Entre eles estavam 855 homens e 195 mulheres entre 14 e 19 anos de idade morando em Medellín. Os principais resultados foram: 1) níveis muito altos de agressividade proativa, reativa e total nos adolescentes infratores; 2) a existência de diferenças na agressividade proativa e total nas mulheres em comparação com os homens, e 3) a variação da agressividade de acordo com certas variáveis sociodemográficas e relacionadas ao crime.

Rev. crim ; 65(2): 87-103, 20230811. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537688


El presente artículo analiza la evidencia empírica que aportan los estudios sobre la influencia de los factores dinámicos asociados a la reincidencia criminal de menores infractores dentro del contexto español y portugués. La búsqueda de los términos Juvenile delinquency* OR juvenile offenders* AND recidivism* OR Risk factors * se realizó en las bases de datos Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of science, Dialnet, Scielo y ProQuest. Aplicados los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, de un total de 105 653 artículos, se seleccionaron 20 para análisis cualitativo y 3 para incluir en el metaanálisis. El estudio permite concluir que los factores dinámicos con mayor capacidad de predicción son la educación, la relación con el grupo de pares, el tiempo de ocio, la familia y el consumo de SPA.

This article analyses the empirical evidence provided by studies on the influence of dynamic factors associated with the criminal recidivism of juvenile offenders in the Spanish and Portuguese context. The search for the terms Juvenile delinquency* OR juvenile offenders* AND recidivism* OR Risk factors* was carried out in the databases Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of science, Dialnet, Scielo and ProQuest. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, out of a total of 105 653 articles, 20 were selected for qualitative analysis and 3 for inclusion in the meta-analysis. The study allows us to conclude that the dynamic factors with the greatest predictive capacity are education, relationship with peer group, leisure time, family and PAS consumption.

Este artigo analisa as evidências empíricas fornecidas por estudos sobre a influência de fatores dinâmicos associados à reincidência de crimes de menores nos contextos espanhol e português. A busca pelos termosjuvenile delinquency* OR juvenile offenders* AND recidivism* OR risk factors* foi realizada nos bancos de dados Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Dialnet, SciELO e ProQuest. Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, de 105.653 artigos, 20 foram selecionados para a análise qualitativa e 3 para a inclusão na meta-nálise. O estudo nos permite concluir que os fatores dinâmicos com maior capacidade preditiva são educação, relacionamento com o grupo de pares, tempo de lazer, família e consumo de PAS.

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , España , Portugal
Rev. crim ; 65(2): 105-122, 20230811. Tab, Graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537780


Antecedentes: el sicariato es un fenómeno de violencia que afecta a la sociedad contemporánea, en medio de valores relativos al respeto de la vida y la integridad humana. En Colombia, los datos y cifras de los homicidios evidencian que durante los años 2017-2020 se presentaron aproximadamente 26 161 casos en la modalidad sicariato; las motivaciones se asocian fundamentalmente al narcotráfico, economías ilegales, disputas territoriales y factores sociales. Objetivo: identificar la etimología de la palabra "sicario", características, investigaciones y algunas tendencias generacionales sobre el sicariato. Método: este estudio se realizó desde un enfoque cualitativo, diseño documental mediante la revisión de algunas teorías sobre subculturas criminales (Cohen, 1955), el aprendizaje de la conducta delictiva (Sutherland, 1974), aprendizaje social (Bandura, 1987; Becker, 1974), crimen y castigo (Bourdieu, 1997), el entorno social que lo rodea y economía criminal, otros autores y revisión bases de datos: Mendeley, Proquest, Redalyc, base, BBC learning english, entre otros. Resultados: este trabajo permitió recoger conceptos, características, tendencias delictivas y análisis criminológicos del fenómeno; se establecen algunas tipologías, por modus operandi y capacidad del perpetrador del hecho punible, surgimiento del sicariato en Colombia y algunas características de los códigos de conducta de las dos últimas generaciones de sicarios. Finalmente, se plantean las conclusiones.

Background: hired assassination is a phenomenon of violence that affects contemporary society, amidst values related to respect for life and human integrity. In Colombia, homicide data and figures show that during the years 2017-2020 there were approximately 26 161 cases in the form of hired killings; the motivations mainly associated with drug trafficking, illegal economies, territorial disputes and social factors. Objective: to identify the etymology of the word "sicario", characteristics, research and some generational trends regarding contract killing. Method: this study was conducted based on a qualitative approach, documentary design by reviewing several theories on criminal subcultures (Cohen, 1955), learning about criminal behaviour (Sutherland, 1974), social learning (Bandura, 1987; Becker, 1974), crime and punishment (Bourdieu, 1997) and the surrounding social environment and criminal economy, studying other authors and reviewing the databases: Mendeley, Proquest, Redalyc, base, BBC learning English, among others. Results: this work allowed the collection of concepts, characteristics, criminal trends and criminological analysis of the phenomenon; some typologies are established, by modus operandi and capacity of the perpetrator of the punishable act, the emergence of assasination by contract in Colombia and some characteristics of the codes of conduct of the last two generations of hitmen. Finally, conclusions are drawn.

Antecedentes: o sicariato ou o assassinato contratado é um fenômeno de violência que afeta a sociedade contemporânea, em meio a valores relacionados ao respeito à vida e à integridade humana. Na Colômbia, os dados e números de homicídios mostram que, durante 2017 e 2020, houve aproximadamente 26 161 casos na forma de sicariato ou assassinatocontratado; as motivações estão associadas principalmente ao tráfico de drogas, economias ilegais, disputas territoriais e fatores sociais. Objetivo: identificar a etimologia da palavra "sicário", características, pesquisas e algumas tendências geracionais sobre o sicariato. Método: este estudo foi realizado a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, com desenho documental, por meio da revisão de algumas teorias sobre subculturas criminais (Cohen, 1955), aprendizagem do comportamento criminoso (Sutherland, 1974), aprendizagem social (Bandura, 1987; Becker, 1974), crime e castigo (Bourdieu, 1997), ambiente social circundante e economia criminal, outros autores e bancos de dados de revisão: Mendeley, Proquest, Redalyc, base, BBC learning english, entre outros. Resultados: este trabalho permitiu a coleta de conceitos, características, tendências criminais e análise criminológica do fenômeno; são estabelecidas algumas tipologias, por modus operandi e capacidade do autor do ato punível, o surgimento do sicariato na Colômbia e algumas características dos códigos de conduta das duas últimas gerações de sicários. Por fim, são apresentadas as conclusões.

Humanos , Colombia
Psychol. av. discip ; 17(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535037


El trastorno de conducta grave es un notable problema social y de salud mental en población infantil y adolescente. Aquí se presentan los resultados de una investigación cuantitativa de nivel descriptivo, que tuvo como objetivo general realizar una caracterización de la agresividad en un grupo de adolescentes con este tipo de trastorno. El estudio se desarrolló con jóvenes de un centro de internamiento preventivo que se encontraban en proceso de judicialización, aún no sancionados, pero privados de la libertad. Se seleccionaron por conveniencia 115 hombres, a los que se les aplicaron cinco instrumentos de medición: el Inventario de Motivos para la Agresión, el Inventario de Situaciones y Comportamientos Agresivos, el Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss-Perry, el Cuestionario de Agresividad Proactiva y Reactiva, y la Escala de Agresividad Apetitiva. El principal motivo para la agresión era conseguir algo que querían, eran agresivos sin que hubiese algún motivo, expresaban frecuentemente su ira, amenazaban a personas conocidas, se enojaban cuando tenían desacuerdos, creían que los demás se burlaban de ellos a sus espaldas, se sentían bien después de agredir física o verbalmente a alguien, portaban armas para usarlas en peleas y consideraban que pelear era lo único que querían hacer en la vida.

Severe conduct disorder is a notable social and mental health problem in child and adolescent population. Here we present the results of a descriptive quantitative research with the general objective of characterizing aggressiveness in a group of adolescents with this type of disorder. The study was carried out with young people from a preventive detention center who were in the process of judicialization, not yet sanctioned, but deprived of their liberty. A total of 115 males were selected by convenience and five measurement instruments were applied: the Motives for Aggression Inventory, the Aggressive Situations and Behavior Inventory, the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, the Proactive and Reactive Aggressiveness Questionnaire, and the Appetitive Aggressiveness Scale. The main motive for aggression was to get something they wanted, they were aggressive for no reason, they frequently expressed anger, threatened people they knew, got angry when they had disagreements, believed that others made fun of them behind their backs, felt good after physically or verbally assaulting someone, carried weapons to use in fights, and considered that fighting was the only thing they wanted to do in life.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1087368, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37205061


Exploring the formation mechanism of juvenile delinquency is of great significance to prevent juvenile delinquency. The present study examined relations and interactions among juvenile delinquents' self-consciousness, family factors, social relationships, belief in a just world, and legal consciousness, and then developed a predictive model to distinguish between juvenile delinquents and non-delinquents. The results showed that family factors have a significant influence on the formation of juvenile delinquents' self-consciousness and there are notable differences in family environment and self-consciousness between delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents. Due to the complex interactions among juvenile delinquency's self-consciousness, family factors, social relationships, belief in a just world and legal consciousness, adolescents' self- consciousness and social relationships can be utilized to predict and classify the groups of delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents effectively. Therefore, the key to preventing juvenile delinquency is to improve their self-consciousness and develop their prosocial relationships.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536521


(analítico) Este estudio analiza la relación entre la empatía y la disposición a la reconciliación socioemocional en adolescentes infractores de la ley. Con un diseño no experimental, correlacional-predictivo, participaron 171 jóvenes entre 15 y 23 años, judicializados con medida privativa de la libertad en Colombia, 81.1% (n = 137) hombres y 19.9 % (n = 34) mujeres. Se utilizó el índice de reactividad interpersonal y la escala de reconciliación socioemocional. Se hallaron correlaciones positivas (p < 0.05) entre la empatía y la reconciliación socioemocional. El análisis de regresión mostró que la empatía tiene efecto predictor positivo (p < 0.001) sobre la reconciliación socioemocional total (R2=0.154), intrapersonal (R2 = 0.081) e interpersonal (R2 = 0.185). Se concluye que la empatía incide en los procesos de reconciliación socioemocional de los adolescentes judicializados.

(analytical) This study analyzes the relationship between empathy and the disposition to socioemotional reconciliation in adolescent offenders of the law. With a non-experimental, correlational-predictive design, 171 young people between 15 and 23 years of age participated in the study, all of whom had been sentenced to imprisonment in Colombia. 81.1% (n = 137) males and 19.9% (n = 34) females. The interpersonal reactivity index and the socioemotional reconciliation scale were used. Positive correlations (p < 0.05) were found between empathy and socioemotional reconciliation. Regression analysis showed that empathy has positive predictor effect (p < 0.001) on total (R2 = 0.154), intrapersonal (R2 = 0.081) and interpersonal (R2 = 0.185) socioemotional reconciliation. It is concluded that empathy has an impact on the socioemotional reconciliation processes of judicialized adolescents.

(analítico) Neste estudo é analisada a relação entre empatia e disposição para a reconciliação sócio-emocional em adolescentes infratores da lei. Com um desenho não experimental, correlativo-preditivo, participaram do estudo 171 jovens entre 15 e 23 anos de idade, que haviam sido condenados a penas de prisão na Colômbia. 81,1% (n = 137) machos e 19,9% (n = 34) fêmeas. Foram utilizados o índice de reatividade interpessoal e a escala de reconciliação socioemocional. Foram encontradas correlações positivas (p< 0,05) entre empatia e reconciliação socioemocional. A análise de regressão mostrou que a empatia tem um efeito preditor positivo (p < 0,001) sobre o total (R2 = 0,154), intrapessoal (R2 = 0,081) e a reconciliação sócio-emocional interpessoal (R2 = 0,185). Conclui-se que a empatia tem um impacto sobre os processos de reconciliação socioemocional de adolescentes judicializados.

Psychiatr Psychol Law ; 30(2): 144-160, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36950188


After reaching the age of criminal responsibility, children are deemed capable of having committed criminal offenses. In this regard, the level of criminal responsibility depends on cognitive development and the type of offense committed. Cognitive development is a process of the growth of perception, thinking and reasoning in children. This concept is frequently referred to in cognitive neuroscience literature. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roper v Simmons has substantially changed attitudes toward juvenile delinquency, considering the fact that cognitive development continues until early adulthood. The present study attempts to scrutinize this case and explain cognitive development by its factors from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining methods and theories from neuroscience and criminal law.

J Youth Adolesc ; 52(4): 826-839, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36763318


Coercive parenting has been identified as a prevalent parenting style in Chinese society. Previous research has shown that personal attributes such as empathic concern moderate the positive impact of coercive parenting on juvenile delinquency. However, there has been a paucity of research examining if and how such a moderating mechanism would operate differently across genders. Drawing on the two-wave survey data from a sample of 1088 Chinese adolescents (mean of age = 13.82, SD = 1.49; 49.7% females), this study found that compared to those with lower empathic concern, adolescents with higher empathic concern were less delinquent under a low-to-moderate level of coercive parenting, but more delinquent when coercive control reached a medium-to-high level. Furthermore, multiple group analyses revealed gender differences in the moderation mechanism, such that empathic concern only significantly moderated the relationship in females. The findings underscore the importance of considering adolescent personal characteristics and gender differences when examining the relationship between parenting styles and juvenile delinquency.

Delincuencia Juvenil , Responsabilidad Parental , Adolescente , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Factores Sexuales , China , Empatía
Am J Law Med ; 49(2-3): 173-192, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38344785


This Article focuses on unifying the protocol for state competency evaluations, but with special concerns about undiagnosed FASD and developmental immaturity in adolescents. States do not mandate any process whereby psychometric tests are first performed prior to psychiatric mental status evaluations, often causing disparities in evaluations which might easily be avoided in court proceedings. Adding to the complications in current competency evaluations are recent studies from Canada and Australia identifying exceptionally high rates of FASD in incarcerated adolescents following multi-disciplinary teams' studies directed at identifying FASD. If these studies' rates of FASD turn out to be similar for children in the U.S. juvenile justice system, then systemic reform is called for as we are failing to identify this congenital condition when adolescents enter the system and then continue on into the adult criminal system without recognition of their prenatal exposure to alcohol.

Trastornos del Espectro Alcohólico Fetal , Delincuencia Juvenil , Adulto , Niño , Adolescente , Femenino , Embarazo , Humanos , Delincuencia Juvenil/psicología , Competencia Mental , Australia , Comorbilidad
Quad. psicol. (Bellaterra, Internet) ; 25(3): e1878, 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-228448


La hostilidad de los padres puede generar en los niños la formación de estilos de pensamiento y acción que los pone en riesgo de desarrollar comportamientos inadaptados socialmente. Se realizó un estudio ex post facto cuantitativo de nivel descriptivo-correlacional para analizar los comportamientos agresivos en delincuentes juveniles colombianos y sus relaciones con los mismos comportamientos en sus padres y madres. Participaron 115 jóvenes (con sus madres y sus padres) de sexo masculino que estaban en internamiento preventivo por diferentes delitos. Se aplicaron cinco autoinformes para medir diferentes formas de agresividad en los jóvenes, sus madres y sus padres. Salvo en la hostilidad, los jóvenes tuvieron puntuaciones mayores que sus madres y/o sus padres en todas las demás formas de agresividad. Respecto a la agresividad apetitiva, los jóvenes y sus padres tuvieron mayores puntuaciones que sus madres. Se encontraron múltiples correlaciones entre las diferentes formas de agresividad de jóvenes, madres y padres. (AU)

Parental hostility can generate in children the formation of thinking and action styles that put them at risk of developing socially maladaptive behaviors. An ex post facto quantitative descriptive-correlational study was carried out to analyze aggressive behaviors in Colombian juvenile delinquents and their relationships with the same behaviors in their fathers and mothers. A total of 115 male juveniles (with their mothers and fathers) who were in pretrial detention for different offenses participated. Five self-reports were applied to measure different forms of aggressiveness in the youths, their mothers and fathers. Except for hostility, the youths had higher scores than their mothers and/or fathers in all other forms of aggression. Regarding appetitive aggression, youths and their fathers had higher scores than their mothers. Multiple correlations were found between the different forms of aggression of youths, mothers and fathers. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Delincuencia Juvenil/psicología , Hostilidad , Agresión/psicología , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Investigación Cualitativa , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Correlación de Datos , Colombia
Rev. crim ; 65(1): 139-149, 2023. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429005


La delincuencia juvenil va en aumento, ya que factores individuales, familiares y sociales hacen vulnerables a muchos menores a que en la adolescencia delincan. Los factores individuales y los familiares son los que más fácilmente pueden ser tratados de forma tal que la mejoría en ellos traiga como resultado una disminución en la probabilidad de que luego los menores caigan en conductas delictivas. Objetivo: revelar la presencia de factores de riesgo personales y familiares de la delincuencia en menores que viven en la zona sureste de la ciudad de Santiago de los Caballeros, República Dominicana, al identificar en ellos su nivel intelectual, analizar su inteligencia emocional y determinar su estilo de afrontamiento y cuán funcionales son sus familias. Muestra: 538 menores que estudiaban en la escuela Ana Josefa Jiménez en los grados cuarto, quinto y sexto de primaria. Resultados: más de la mitad de los menores tienen un nivel bajo de inteligencia, en cuanto a la inteligencia emocional la puntuación más baja la tiene autocontrol, seguido por autoconciencia y empatía, el estilo de afrontamiento que utiliza la mayoría es indefinido, y más de la mitad de las familias son funcionales. Conclusión: 94% presentó factores de riesgo para la delincuencia, 29% un indicador, 38% dos indicadores, 23% tres indicadores y 4% los cuatro indicadores, revelando la presencia de factores de riesgo personales y familiares de la delincuencia en los menores que viven en la zona sureste de Santiago de los Caballeros.

Juvenile delinquency is on the rise, as individual, family and social factors make many children vulnerable to delinquency in adolescence. Individual and family factors are the ones that can most easily be addressed in such a way that an improvement in these factors results in a decrease in the likelihood that children will later engage in delinquent behaviour. Objective: to reveal the presence of personal and family risk factors for delinquency in minors living in the southeastern area of the city of Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, by identifying their intellectual level, analysing their emotional intelligence and determining their coping style and how functional their families are. Sample: 538 children studying at the Ana Josefa Jiménez school in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of primary school. Results: more than half of the children have a low level of intelligence, in terms of emotional intelligence the lowest score is self-control, followed by self-awareness and empathy, the co-ping style used by the majority is undefined, and more than half of the families are functional. Conclusion: 94% presented risk factors for delinquency, 29% one indicator, 38% two indicators, 23% three indicators and 4% all four indicators, revealing the presence of personal and family risk factors for delinquency in minors living in the southeast area of Santiago de los Caballeros.

A delinqüência juvenil está aumentando, pois fatores individuais, familiares e sociais tornam muitas crianças vulneráveis à delinqüência na adolescência. Os fatores individuais e familiares são os que mais facilmente podem ser abordados de tal forma que uma melhoria desses fatores resulte em uma diminuição da probabilidade de que as crianças se envolvam mais tarde em comportamentos delinqüentes. Objetivo: revelar a presença de fatores de risco pessoal e familiar para a delinqüência em menores que vivem na região sudeste da cidade de Santiago de los Caballeros, República Dominicana, identificando seu nível intelectual, analisando sua inteligência emocional e determinando seu estilo de lidar com a delinqüência e quão funcionais são suas famílias. Amostra: 538 crianças estudando na escola Ana Josefa Jiménez na quarta, quinta e sexta séries do ensino fundamental. Resultados: mais da metade das crianças tem um baixo nível de inteligência, em termos de inteligência emocional a pontuação mais baixa é autocontrole, seguido de autoconsciência e empatia, o estilo de lidar com a maioria é indefinido, e mais da metade das famílias são funcionais. Conclusão: 94% apresentaram fatores de risco para a delinqüência, 29% um indicador, 38% dois indicadores, 23% três indicadores e 4% todos os quatro indicadores, revelando a presença de fatores de risco pessoal e familiar para a delinqüência em menores que vivem na área sudeste de Santiago de los Caballeros.

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Factores de Riesgo , Menores , Inteligencia Emocional , Delincuencia Juvenil , Familia , Crimen , República Dominicana
Ind Psychiatry J ; 32(2): 273-281, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38161479


Background: Adolescence is the most complex stage of development that causes the greatest difficulties in their life because of frequent physical and emotional issues including deviated character and behavioral disorders. Aim: This descriptive comparative study was intended to compare self-esteem between heinous and non-heinous male delinquent adolescents residing in observation homes. Materials and Methods: A quantitative research approach with a non-experimental descriptive comparative design was adopted. One hundred and seventy-nine male delinquent adolescents (Heinous = 74, Non-Heinous = 105) residing in two observation homes were selected by convenience sampling technique based on the type of crime committed. The standardized Rosenberg's self-esteem scale was used to collect the data. Results: We analyzed the data with Chi-square for homogeneity of sample characteristics, an independent t test for comparison of self-esteem between groups, an independent t test, one-way ANOVA for the association, and stepwise regression for predictors. There was a statistically significant difference in self-esteem between groups, a significant association of self-esteem with age and duration of stay in the heinous group and with the father's education in the non-heinous group, and the father's education, mother's occupation, substance use, and order of birth had predicted the self-esteem in non-heinous group. Conclusion: The study concluded that self-esteem significantly varied between heinous and non-heinous group delinquents. This study is the first of its kind and provided initial evidence by filling the gap in the literature to understand the difference in the level of self-esteem among delinquent adolescents according to the type of crime committed.
